Hello!!! (:
This is my first blog for the subject Accounting Information System. This blog must made by group or individual . But i choose to do this blog made by group of two; me (Nurfarzana) and my beloved friend (Vimala). We were asked to create our own blog to this subject and every week, we need to update our blog based on the topic given by the lecturer in the class.
This blog also will be become a pioneer mini project for
this subject. So, I really hope that blog will meet the objective of this subject and can help me and other students in the future. This is some reason why me and my friend like with the idea of mini blogging project :-
# Can help me to improve my grammar
# We can learn more how to use blog's
# We can learn more or get more info about current issues and get more information of what is going on surrounding of me.
That's All (: Thank You
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